Quick and easy function to check if a plugin/theme/whatever has add/registered a shortcode in WordPress: Just add this into your plugin or theme’s functions.php and wherever you need to check if the shortcode exists, just call is_shortcode_defined(“button”); or something similar from an if statement, as such: Hope this helps.
Free Open Source Exchange Rates for PHP
Inspired by the Open Source Exchange Rates and money.js, I’ve developed a PHP class that consumes the openexchangerates.org service. Since the service fetches the exchange rates from the (unofficial) Google Calculator API, I played around with it as well, and found some differences on the exchange rates provided by the two services. It is probably […]
Integrating CodeIgniter and MagpieRSS
So you want to use MagpieRSS from within CodeIgniter, so that you can fetch some feeds and do naughty stuff with them. No problemo. You download Magpie and you find that there are a few required files that depend on each other, and have an extension of .inc instead of the more common .php. Renaming […]
mb_strtok() – A PHP implementation
While developing a web app, I needed to use the php’s multibyte family of functions. Having to deal with Greek characters specifically (although I always use utf-8) I needed the multibyte equivalent of strtok() to tokenize a stream of Greek characters. A quick look in the php documentation yielded almost every other function, but nothing […]