We previously made sure our machine can access the internet. In this post, we’ll configure our machine so that we can access it from the local network, without ever knowing its IP address.
Setting up networking (I can has internetz)
In my previously misleadingly titled “Setting up an environment” post, we created a brand new minimal CentOS 7 installation. The title is misleading in the sense that in order to set up an environment, I’ll need far more than a few posts to explore and configure an ideal environment. In this post, we’ll configure networking […]
Setting up an environment
So, in order to have a vanilla environment where I’ll get to play around and have to configure most of the stuff myself (in order to force myself to learn), I decided to install CentOS 7 in a virtual machine. This will give the added benefit of keeping snapshots so that in case I get […]
New Year’s Resolution v0.16
Shame on me. It’s been almost four years without writing a single word in this blog. You can’t – of course – force creativity, but it’s not like I’d write long essays anyway. I do however like the technical side of things and I enjoy challenges in unhealthy amounts, if the enjoyment could be measured, […]
Το λίφτινγκ του CSSIgniter
Δέν μπορώ να μήν κοκερευτώ. Δουλέψαμε πολύ, αγχωθήκαμε ακόμη περισσότερο, αλλά τελικά, την Παρασκευή το βράδυ, βγάλαμε στον αέρα το CSSIgniter με νέο πρόσωπο, 2 ολοκαίνουργια themes, και ένα plugin. Και αυτή τη φορά δέν είμαι μόνος με τον Γεράσιμο. Τώρα είναι και ο Βασίλης με τον Θάνο που πιστεύουν και ιδρώνουν γι’αυτό που ξεκινήσαμε.
How to check if a shortcode is registered in WordPress
Quick and easy function to check if a plugin/theme/whatever has add/registered a shortcode in WordPress: Just add this into your plugin or theme’s functions.php and wherever you need to check if the shortcode exists, just call is_shortcode_defined(“button”); or something similar from an if statement, as such: Hope this helps.
Δωρεάν Μετατροπή Συναλλάγματος Ανοιχτού Κώδικα για PHP
Εμπνευσμένος από το Open Source Exchange Rates και την βιβλιοθήκη money.js, δημιούργησα μία κλάση PHP που χρησιμοποιεί την υπηρεσία openexchangerates.org. Απ’ την στιγμή που έμαθα ότι η υπηρεσία αυτή “τραβάει” τις πληροφορίες της από το (ανεπίσημο) Google Calculator API, άρχισα να πειραματίζομαι και με αυτό, και βρήκα κάποιες διαφορές στις τιμές του συναλλάγματος που δίνουν […]
Free Open Source Exchange Rates for PHP
Inspired by the Open Source Exchange Rates and money.js, I’ve developed a PHP class that consumes the openexchangerates.org service. Since the service fetches the exchange rates from the (unofficial) Google Calculator API, I played around with it as well, and found some differences on the exchange rates provided by the two services. It is probably […]
Integrating CodeIgniter and MagpieRSS
So you want to use MagpieRSS from within CodeIgniter, so that you can fetch some feeds and do naughty stuff with them. No problemo. You download Magpie and you find that there are a few required files that depend on each other, and have an extension of .inc instead of the more common .php. Renaming […]
WordPress loops, latests posts, sticky posts and problems
I just figured out a problem (or just a nuisance?) of WordPress 3.0.1 that was driving me crazy, but finally got it working as expected. To all you WordPress theme developers out there, I hope the following explanation of the problem and the solution will save you a few minutes or hours of head-scratching.